poniedziałek, 16 listopada 2020

For Harlan

First I met You,  means your books...
I thought it would be great "ups"!
Then I've known a gorgeous Myron,
and though you're not a Byron,
books of yours I've loved so much
that I smelled them and I touched,
just before I've started reading
and be sure that I'm not kidding!
Through these all years - ten or more,
you are with me, that's for sure!
Shelves are heavy on the books
of your name, that's how it looks!
Thanks to reach of Instagram
I can see You, that's a fun,
and real pleasure, all knows why :)
Want to thank you and say hi!

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Dziękuję, że do mnie zajrzałeś, że wierszyk mój przeczytałeś :)
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